SSCP Diversity Committee
SSCP Diversity Committee

The Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP) established the SSCP Diversity Committee in April 2014 after data revealed a notable disparity between SSCP's value for diversity and the actual representation of diverse groups in our organization. This uncomfortable discrepancy between "what we preach" and "what we practice" exists across the field of Clinical Science.

To work towards a future SSCP that embodies and promotes a more diverse clinical science community, the SSCP Diversity Committee has two goals:

1) To support and increase the diversity of SSCP membership, and

2) To further the mission of clinical psychological science as it applies to diversity issues.

A fundamental guiding principle of the Diversity Committee is facilitation of impactful change on the topic of diversity in our clinical science community. In service of our goals, we are committed to leading and supporting initiatives and activities that have measurable outcomes and go beyond merely increasing awareness.

If you would like to write an article or share a summary of research you have done that relates to the goals and mission of the SSCP Diversity Committee, please email us your pitch at If you identify as a diverse and/or traditionally underrepresented member of the SSCP or broader social/psychological/health sciences community, reach out to us so that we can amplify your story, your experience, and your research. We want to hear and share your insights.

Examples of diverse/underrepresented populations include but are not limited to students, postdocs, and faculty who identify with one or more of the following groups :

- socioeconomically disadvantaged background

- racially/ethnically/culturally diverse/minoritized (e.g. BIPOC, Latin-X, etc.)

- first generation college/graduate student

- gender/sexually diverse/minoritized (e.g. LGBTQIA+)

- person with disability (e.g. physical, developmental, psychological, learning)

SSCP Diversity Committee

SSCP Diversity Committee

The SSCP Diversity Committee was established in 2014 to promote a more diverse clinical science.